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ClearWork™ - Employment Verification
Charlie Cafazza avatar
Written by Charlie Cafazza
Updated over a month ago

We offer two options for employment verification:

1. single verification of employment

2. 7 year verification (NOT work history)

Employment Verification: the process of confirming that an individual is currently employed or was employed in the past by a specific company. This can include confirming job title and dates of employment. We follow numerous processes and methods to verify employment history. These methods include but are not limited to, in no particular order; database validation via SSN, payroll login, pay stub verification, and a call center.

During the application process, the candidate will provide information of past employment. ClearChecks depends on the accuracy and completeness of the candidate's self-disclosure to accurately *verify* the stated work history.

If a candidate is not complete in providing their work history for verification, ClearChecks may obtain work history information from a 3rd party that does not provide sufficient information to *verify* the candidate's stated work history. If we obtain information from this third party, fees may be passed through even though no verification could be conducted.

Example: Jane Doe provides work history of 2 employers for 7 years but excludes 3 employers in that 7 year time period. When ClearChecks attempts to verify the 2 employers with a third party, the third-party provides information on the 3 the candidate excluded but *not* the 2 provided by the candidate. In this scenario, ClearChecks incurred costs to verify the work history provided by the candidate but the candidate did not provide thorough work history information on the 3 excluded employers. A third-party fee will be charged for the effort and service even though no verification could be provided.

ClearChecks provides sufficient opportunity and instruction for the candidate to self-disclose employment information. Costs may be incurred to obtain work history that will not lead to verification.

Please note we cannot conduct employment verifications if you or your candidate is self-employed or a 1099 independent contractor/consultant.

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