Utah and Pennsylvania require our customers to register their business with local agencies. Instructions can be found in your account under Account & Billing -->Account Settings -->State Access Codes
Utah: Utah requires businesses to obtain a vendor ID issued by the state to request motor vehicle records. You can register and receive one within a couple of days.
Since you have entered your Utah.gov Access Code in our system, please follow these instructions to connect your Utah.gov code to ClearChecks.
Let us know once this is complete and we can process the records request.
How to Create & Add a Utah Access Code:
Apply for an access code here at Utah.gov https://secure.utah.gov/dhr/index.html. Typically you will get a code within 2 business days, and you only need to do this once.
Once you have been issued an access code, login to your Utah dashboard here https://secure.utah.gov/dhr/dashboard.html and create the following relationships with these codes
Click “Add Relationship” Button
Enter the following id: TJ0GINEBJC (Safety Holdings, Inc)
Click “Has Subvendor”
Enter the following id: X9KNWVPOZF (Clear Screening Technologies LLC)
Click “Create Relationship”
Login to your ClearChecks account and enter it into your account settings here https://app.clearchecks.com/settings#/motor-vehicle-codes.
Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania provides instant access to motor vehicle records for businesses with an access code. To obtain a code: download both PDF files, fill out and sign. The first is required to be notarized. Send electronic copies of both forms to [email protected]. Please also send the original, notarized copy to:
5910 S University Blvd C-18 #336
Greenwood Village, CO 80121
Attention: Compliance Department, PA Affidavit Processing
We will get you an ID and update it in your account.